Ben Frost is Dead

Ben Frost NextStreet Gallery Pop Art Comic Art Micky Mouse Painting


Ben Frost is an Australian artist known for his kaleidoscopic Pop Art. His composite paintings are inspired by all the art fields including graffiti, collage art, photorealism, and lettering.

 His most representative artworks show emblematic comic characters like Mickey Mouse, the Simpson’s, or Sponge Bob affixed to medicine boxes prescribing opiates or antidepressants. The contrast between those two worlds creates an audacious visual concept, almost controversial, highlighted by the bright colors used by the artist.

His work has been exhibited for more than 15 years in Australia and abroad, notably in London, New York, Sydney, Los Angeles, Toronto, Singapore, Miami, Turin, Thailand and San Francisco, as well as in grouped exhibitions in Beijing, Mongolia, Amsterdam, Berlin and in the US. His work has been presented on the BBC channel, in the Wall Street Journal, and in Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar magazines.